Daily, people search for small and medium-sized businesses that sell products and services that internet users wish to purchase. Yet companies often cannot ensure that their website will rank well in Google searches. Implementing the best SEO practices is the best way to ensure a website is listed in the Google search results. The business owner does not have to be an expert in SEO, yet understanding the reason for these problems will significantly improve the website’s performance. Several reasons can answer the business owner’s query, “Why does my website not appear in Google search?”. These reasons for not appearing in search results are discussed in this listing, and tips on how a business can resolve the issue are provided.
When you put site:yourwebsite.com, you can see in Google:
People panic and say, “My website isn’t on Google.” If you have a new website, this is not a problem, but if your website is old, then we can have the following cases :
The website is not indexed in Search engines
Business owners can check if their website is indexed by searching for the domain name or exact URL, without any other prefix.
One of the most common reasons a website does not appear in the search results is that it is a new domain or website recently registered or developed into a website. It will usually take more than one week for search engines to notice a new website, especially if it has no or few incoming links. For websites with many inbound links, Google is likely to find them earlier. The web crawler will follow links to the new website from established websites and then index the new website. The business can index its website in Google by submitting it to the search engine. The website can also be resubmitted every time a change is made. This will ensure the Google listing includes essential updates and has the most recent website version.
Higher competition for business-related keywords
After it is confirmed that the business website is crawled by the web crawlers and indexed in Google, ensuring that your website is listed for relevant keywords is the next primary aim. For a website, the keyword can be a short phrase consisting of a few words or a single word related to the products, services, and business. The business should optimize its website for the keywords specified. If there is more competition for a specific keyword, the company should focus on other keywords where it is easier to rank and attract customers.
I am not providing relevant content on the website.
Some business websites are not indexed because they do not have relevant content. One way to overcome this problem is by creating a business blog where new website content will be posted. The blog should be updated with high-quality content customers relevant to the business’s customers. The content should be well written, conform to SEO guidelines, and be related to the services or products sold. Exciting images and photos can generate traffic quickly. After other websites link the new content, Google will also index it.
Website removed from Google.
Some websites are temporarily or permanently removed by Google from its index and search results. Google removes a website from the search results by de-indexing or removing it from the index, penalizing it, or sandboxing it. Anyone who receives a notification from Google that their website violates Google quality guidelines should modify it and resubmit it to Google for reconsideration.
Lack of home page content
Search engine crawlers can only read text; they usually cannot process videos and pictures, which are becoming increasingly popular. Hence, if a website is not indexed due to a lack of text content, it is advisable to add some content related to the keywords and link it to other pages with more information.
Keywords are not added using meta-tags
Though the meta-tags are not visible to the visitors to the website, the crawlers or bots of Google search will check the website for meta tags and record them. This recorded data is one of the many factors that Google considers when ranking a particular website. If these meta-tags are not used, indexing will be affected. The web designer can include the meta-tags for the website on request, or the business owner can make the changes required if he knows how to use HTML coding or has web design software to make these changes. Each website should have at least ten meta-tags, which should not exceed twenty.
A website not optimized for search engines.
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a time-consuming and challenging process to improve the ranking of a website. This involves modifying the website to conform with the search engine guidelines. While everyone wants to rank well on the first page of Google, a review will be required. If a business website does not rank well, relevant changes should be made to improve the website’s ranking in Google search results.
Some tips for improving Google Google’sg are listed
– conduct a comprehensive SEO audit, which includes onsite and offsite optimization of the website, keyword selection
– website content should be modified to include more keywords
– meta-tags can be used for adding keywords
– find keywords where there is less competition and rank for it
– get new backlinks for the website
– create a business listing for the business website at Google My Business
– ensure that the website content is relevant to the business
– analyze the technical aspects of SEO
Business owners must know how SEO affects the website’s ranking in the search engine and the traffic to their website, which results in leads and orders. Even after the website is listed on the first page of Google, the results should be monitored closely since Google periodically changes its algorithm for ranking websites in its search results. If the position of the business website has been decided, it is necessary to make the relevant changes in the website link building so that the website will regain its original ranking.
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