Does Sterling Silver Turn Green?

Sterling silver is often associated with luxury, beauty, and elegance. However, a downside to owning sterling silver jewelry is that it can tarnish green and turn your fingers green. This reaction is entirely normal and happens due to a chemical process known as oxidation.

Oxidation occurs when sterling silver comes into contact with oxygen from the air or certain chemicals or body oils on the skin.

Does Sterling Silver Turn Green?

Yes, sterling silver turns green or black. The oxidation process causes a thin layer of black or green discoloration on the metal’s surface. When this layer forms, it can cause any jewelry made with sterling silver to become green and create a reaction that can make your skin turn green too.

sterling silver green tarnish

The good news is that although sterling silver does have the potential to cause discoloration, there are several simple ways to prevent it from happening in the first place. For starters, keep all sterling silver jewelry away from moisture and water as much as possible – storing it somewhere dry and away from humidity can help reduce oxidation. Additionally, after each use, cleaning and polishing your items is essential so that any dirt or body oil that may have adhered during wear is removed before storage – this will help protect against discoloration down the road.

When cleaning your jewelry, use specialized cleansers such as jewelry cleaner or warm soap in a water solution — these are usually sold at most stores that carry jewelry items. You can also find polishes designed explicitly for sterling silver, which contain an anti-tarnish agent that helps keep even more oxidation at bay over time.

Last but not least, if you find yourself with sterling silver jewelry that has already started to tarnish green, you will want to immediately remove them as it may cause further discoloration onto other jewelry or clothing they come into contact with. In this case, it’s best practice to take off tarnished pieces quickly and then clean them, followed by gentle polishing before wearing them again (or storing them).

Although Sterling Silver does incline to tarnish green and leaves its wearer’s fingers slightly greener than usual, you can avoid creating an unsightly mess altogether by taking proper care of your precious metals! By following simple steps such as storing jewelry in dry conditions out of direct sunlight, regularly cleaning/polishing pieces after each wear, and removing tarnished items promptly when found – you should be able to enjoy your favorite sterling silver pieces without fear of staining anything else around you!

Please read our article about sterling silver flatware worth.



Igor Milosevic
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