How Many Cords Are in a Rank of Wood?

A cord of wood and a rank of timber are terms used interchangeably to refer to the same thing: a stack of firewood that measures 4 feet in height, 4 feet in width, and 8 feet in length. This stack takes up 128 cubic feet of space, providing enough firewood for many homes. But how many cords are actually in a rank of wood?

If you are interested in cord costs, please read our article about how much a Cord of Wood costs.

How Many Cords Are in a Rank of Wood?

A cord of wood and a rank of wood are the same thing. There is no difference between a cord and a rank. Both a cord of wood and a rank of wood measure 4 feet in height, 4 feet in width, and 8 feet in length and take up a size of about 128 cubic feet in space.

cord of wood

To determine the number of cords in a rank of wood, you must first understand what a cord is. A cord is a unit of measure for firewood, equal to 128 cubic feet (4 ft x 4 ft “8 f”). A “full” cord contains tightly stacked firewood measured after being firmly packed. With this knowledge, it is easy to conclude that one rank equals one cord simply because it measures 128 cubic feet.

The amount of wood contained within a single cord or rank may vary depending on the size and shape of individual pieces in the bundle. For example, if all the logs were round rather than flat-faced, more would fit into the initial measurement and thus make one full cord larger than usual. On the other hand, fewer logs might fit into the same measurement area, and one full cord might be slightly smaller than normal if they were smaller than average logs.

In addition to varying sizes and shapes, different types of woods can be included in a single unit of measure, such as hardwoods like oak or hickory, versus softer woods like pine or birch. Each type has its inherent density, so some may take up more space than others when stacked together, even though they all still equate to one full cord or rank.

For those who need an even more precise answer about how many cords are in a rank of wood, it would be helpful to know exactly what type and size logs will be used before calculating an exact figure. Regardless of variation due to type or size differences, each complete unit still equates to 128 cubic feet, so we can confidently say that there is only one cord per rank – no matter what you’re using!

Mark Brown

Mark Brown

Mark Brown is a construction engineer from California who has been working as an independent contractor and writer for the past 15 years. From 2022 onwards, Mark has also been contributing author of home repair articles at Read more on Mark Brown's biography page. Contact Mark:

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