How to Recover After Leaving a Toxic Workplace? – Healing After Leaving a Toxic Job

Some jobs snatch the soul out of your body. It takes some time to realize that we are thriving in a harmful and toxic workspace, but once it hits us hard, the only option is to get out of that place and FAST! Such a workplace and environment can leave you emotionally broken, mentally exhausted, and unhealthy.

toxic workplace

What is a toxic workplace?

A toxic workplace is a work environment where people’s behavior and the working atmosphere cause severe disruptions in employee life. Disruptions can create psychological problems and physical symptoms in the employees and make them emotionally broken, mentally exhausted, and unhealthy.


In this article, we will discuss several ways you can take care of yourself and regain and install back that confidence that your previous jobs have sucked out of you. There are many ways by which you may have experienced such toxicity, such as burdening with work, poor management, office politics, bullying, and more, which makes it impossible for an employee to sustain and thrive in an environment. So let us get right into these points.

How to Recover After Leaving a Toxic Workplace?

If you are leaving a toxic workplace and want to try recovering from a toxic work environment, the best advice is to do more of what you are good at and try to accept and let go of your past. Leaving an abusive work environment can sometimes culminate and end up in court. Sometimes a person who suffered at work is ready to sue the company’s management.

Healing After Leaving a Toxic Job

But this is a rare case. Maybe it is a perfect moment to become a freelancer.

Leaving a toxic workplace can be a difficult and trying experience, as it often involves feeling disempowered and unsupported. It is important to remember that leaving an abusive work environment does not mean you have failed or are weak. Instead, it means you are strong enough to recognize your worth and refuse to accept further harm or mistreatment. While navigating this process can be daunting, there are ways to heal and move forward with your life.

The first step to recovery after leaving a toxic workplace is to take time for yourself. Treating yourself with kindness and patience through self-care activities is essential for healing from the trauma of workplace abuse. This could include activities like journaling, yoga, or getting out in nature – whatever helps you relax and process your emotions. If necessary, seek professional help from a psychologist specializing in treating individuals who have experienced a traumatic workplace experience.

It is also essential to connect with supportive people who can provide comfort and understanding during this transitionary period. Friends, family members, mentors, colleagues – anyone who will listen without judgment or criticism can provide an invaluable sense of connection that will help you heal faster than if you were facing this ordeal alone. Reaching out to people who understand what you’ve been through may allow you to speak openly about what happened so that the pain of the experience is not kept inside forever.

Another critical factor in recovering after leaving a toxic workplace is taking action toward regaining control over your own life and career path. This might involve seeking new job opportunities or starting a business; anything that gives you back control over how much power someone else holds over your destiny is beneficial for healing from past traumas associated with being abused at work. Taking back power over your career journey helps restore confidence so that you no longer feel helpless during interviews or other professional situations where recognition of achievement may be necessary for success.

Finally, it’s essential to learn how to let go of negative experiences from the past while still acknowledging them as part of who we are today. Learning acceptance of ourselves and our stories helps us break free from any resentment or hatred we may harbor towards our abuser(s) while allowing us to take back control over our lives once again by choosing how we want our future storyline will look instead of always being stuck in the same narrative cycle within which we used to find ourselves trapped at work before deciding to leave such an environment behind us permanently.

Healing After Leaving a Toxic Job

The emotional toll of leaving a toxic job can be significant and should not be underestimated. Frequently, people who have worked in such environments are prone to guilt, shame and sadness over their decision to leave their former workplace. This is perfectly natural and understandable, considering all that you may have gone through during your time there. To start the healing process in earnest, it’s essential to recognize these feelings and permit yourself to grieve before taking steps toward creating a healthier future.

leaving the toxic job

Part of the healing process involves learning to better self-care after leaving your former position. Regular exercise and meditation can help alleviate stress while providing an outlet for negative emotions that may still linger. Additionally, engaging with supportive friends and family members or even joining support groups online can help provide an additional layer of emotional safety when facing the aftermath of such a challenging experience.

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In addition to addressing mental health needs during this time, it’s also essential to focus on practical matters related to finding new employment and managing finances during this transition period. During this time, it’s helpful to establish firm boundaries between work life and home life: set limits on checking email after-hours or taking work-related calls outside of regular working hours to avoid burnout down the road. Additionally, if possible, seek professional advice for financial matters like budgeting or setting up emergency savings accounts which will help provide stability in the future.

Finally, it’s important to remember that although leaving a toxic work environment is necessary for your well-being, don’t forget that there are still plenty of opportunities out there waiting for you! Don’t discount yourself or become discouraged by past experiences; instead, view them as lessons learned that would ultimately lead you to tremendous success in the future. It’s also essential to stay connected with others who have gone through similar circumstances since they may offer invaluable advice moving forward into your next endeavor!

As you embark upon this journey towards healing after leaving a toxic job, it’s important, first and foremost, to remain kind and gentle with yourself while allowing ample space for personal growth – physical, emotional, and spiritual alike! It’s easy during times like these when we feel so vulnerable but remind yourself that what lies ahead is always brighter than what has been left behind!

Please watch this video about healing after leaving a toxic job:

Tips on how to recover from a toxic workplace

  • 1. Take some time off to re-align yourself.

Setting aside time to get back into work mode with a clear mind and a healthy you is crucial. If you slog yourself without giving yourself the time to heal, you will not deliver results even in a new organization, leading to further stress and dismay. If you can take some time off before starting a new job, then at least set some personal time aside for yourself post your workday and weekends. Use this time to heal, meditate, and work on getting your internal productivity, fire, and focus back. This rejuvenation will help you replenish what you have lost and depleted. Indulge yourself in beautiful activities like gardening, dancing, or yoga to fill your soul with health and confidence.

In our personal opinion, you should distance yourself from social media, watch TV and light-hearted fun comedies, enjoy a good bubble bath and healthy food, go out for strolls in the park and nature and develop unique and consistent sleeping patterns. All of this will reinstate you back to good health and heart.

But we know that it is not always so hip and glorious. To truly move on from that awful experience, you need to indulge in activities that will channel your anger, frustration, and anxiety into something better. You can resort to exercises like cardio, dancing, exercising, and singing out loud. Whatever your style is, find a suitable activity according to your personality, and get set to release the pent-up tension levels.

Apart from your solo self-healing session, we suggest spending quality time with your friends, family, and loved ones. These people should be the ones who possess your best interests in their hearts and will support and strengthen you no matter what.

  • 2. It’s Time To Deal With Issues Eye To Eye 

In the next step, we talk about facing your demons. What we mean by this is to come out of your toxic work experience and rise like a phoenix; it is essential to meet your adverse issues, think constructively about them, and enable your psychology to come out of that horrific experience.

We know it can be a little tough to think about it again. Still, it is essential to analyze the false negative beliefs and assumptions we may have developed because of our previous toxic job and release negative perceptions. You can do so by taking time daily, thinking, manifesting, and journaling your feelings. This will help you reach the core of the issues, and once identified, you can take suitable measures to cancel the item out. It is time to release and let go!

Also, to seek that closure, you can explicitly write your experience in your exit interviews or mail the same to your former HR manager describing your experience. Once done, you will likely feel empowered, positive, and bright.

Do things you’re good at

  • 3. Do More Of What You Are Good At

Working on rebuilding self-esteem and confidence one step at a time is crucial. To effectively do the same, reconnect with your core energies, and use them as a guide to making choices about your future, such as what you are good at and where you want to be. These strengths are gained from your last job and out of you as a person with a unique charming personality.

Also, you can get creative while doing this process. Discover several dimensions of what you are and what you are capable of being. Knowing that you are trying these creative ideas may lead you to find your dream career: writing, acting, or painting. It could be something else too!

  • 4. Accept and Let Go Of Your Past

Since you have been journalizing your emotions and experiences, as suggested in our previous points, it is time to let go of your past. When you feel that writing, speaking, or thinking about that particular experience no longer brings you pain, then you withhold no specific obligation to stay stuck in that toxic loop. Burn those memories away, shred your pain, and move on with your head held high.

A toxic workplace can leave a scar on the soul. Playing sports and hanging out with sincere friends is the best move you can make after leaving a toxic workplace.

Allow yourself some time to accept and move on. Do not compare your journey with anyone else; work on healing and bettering yourself daily. Gradually, your power, positivity, and passion will come back to life, and you will realize that you’ve gotten much more vital with this experience.

In the wise words of Hunt, “It’s important to remember that you are so much more than your job.” So to conclude, we would say take some time, allow yourself to heal, forgive everyone and yourself if required to let go of that stress and replace it with peace, calm and mental stability.


Healing after leaving a toxic job can be a difficult and daunting process. It requires hard work, self-reflection, and dedication to transition out of a hostile work environment successfully. While healing may happen quickly for some, it often takes time to fully process the experience and cultivate the emotional strength needed to move forward positively.

The journey begins with recognizing that a toxic job is no longer serving you emotionally or professionally, then identifying boundaries and strategies to rebuild your sense of self-worth. As you take proactive steps to address any psychological damage from the toxicity, such as therapy or writing, you will start to regain control over your life while nurturing healthy relationships with yourself and others. Through patience and resilience, healing can occur so that you can leave your toxic job behind in favor of better opportunities that bring joy and fulfillment.

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith is an experienced economist and financial analyst from Utah. He has been in finance for nearly two decades, having worked as a senior analyst for Wells Fargo Bank for 19 years. After leaving Wells Fargo Bank in 2014, Daniel began a career as a finance consultant, advising companies and individuals on economic policy, labor relations, and financial management. At, Daniel writes about personal finance topics, value estimation, budgeting strategies, retirement planning, and portfolio diversification. Read more on Daniel Smith's biography page. Contact Daniel:

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